CunardSpecialistsLuxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO
Full QE2 Passenger
Deck Plans |

ExpressPlatinum Card Benefits |
ExpressCenturion Card Benefits |
The Best:Queens Grill
Queens Grill CategoriesDouble Occupancy
Deluxe Q4 |
Deluxe Q3 |
Q2 |
QS |
Suites Q1 |
Deluxe Q4249-306 Sq Ft |
Deluxe Q3264-385 Sq Ft |
Q2 Butler Service355-437 Sq Ft |
QS Butler Service575-778 Sq Ft |
Suites Q1 Butler ServiceSignal Deck Grand Suites544 Sq FtBi-Level Duplex Suites: 793 Sq Ft |
Ultra Deluxe QG Queens Grill170-275 Sq FtOne Deck1032, 1035,1056,1059, 1086,1089Two Deck2063, 2070, 2087, 2094Boat Deck8209, 8210 (251 Sq Ft) |
3rd/4th Person TF |
No. |
Grand Suites Q1With Verandas |
Sq Ft |
8081 |
Queen Elizabeth |
900 |
8082 |
Queen Mary |
900 |
No. |
Duplex Suites Q1With Verandas |
Sq Ft |
8001and8101 |
Queen Anne(420 sq ft upstairs; 373 sq ft downstairs) |
793 |
8002and8102 |
Queen Victoria(420 sq ft upstairs; 373 sq ft downstairs) |
793 |
Luxuriate in a
Queens Grill sea-view suite or ultra-deluxe cabin, paired with the finest
SINGLE/SOLO-seating restaurffffffffffffffant afloat. |
Queens GrillSignal DeckV = Veranda
V = VerandaSignal Deck
Queens GrillSun DeckQ1-TaupeQ2-PinkQ3-YellowV = Veranda
Sun Deck |
Queens GrillQ2 SuitesSignal DeckSun Deck
Q2 Suites(Parenthetical Suites Connect)All With VerandasExcept Larger Suite 8184 |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
8001Connects Upstairs To 8101QueenAnne |
420 |
8011(8015) |
355 |
8103(8105) |
355 |
8002Connects Upstairs To 8102QueenVictoria |
420 |
8012(8014) |
355 |
8104(8106) |
355 |
8003(8005) |
355 |
8014(8012) |
355 |
8105(8103) |
355 |
8004(8006) |
355 |
8015(8011) |
355 |
8106(8104) |
355 |
8005(8003) |
355 |
8016(8018) |
355 |
8107(8109) |
355 |
8006(8004) |
355 |
8017(8019) |
355 |
8108(8110) |
355 |
8007(8009) |
355 |
8018(8016) |
355 |
8109(8107) |
355 |
8008(8010) |
355 |
8019(8017) |
355 |
8184 |
437 |
No Veranda |
8009(8007) |
355 |
8101Connects downstairs to 8001 |
373 |
8101&8001TogetherAre Queen AnneSuite |
8010(8008) |
355 |
8102Connects downstairs to 8002 |
373 |
8102&8002TogetherAre Queen VictoriaSuite |
Q3 SuitesPicture Windows -
No Verandas |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
One Deck |
One Deck |
Two Deck |
1026(1028,1030) |
352 |
1050 |
385 |
2081 |
355 |
1028(1026, 1028, 1030) |
352 |
1051(1053, 1055, 1057, and QG 1059 Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO) |
385 |
2082(2080) |
355 |
1029(1031, 1033) |
352 |
1052 |
385 |
2083 |
355 |
1030(1026, 1028, 1030) |
352 |
1053(1051, 1055, 1057, and QG 1059 Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO) |
385 |
2084(2086) |
355 |
1031(1029, 1033) |
352 |
1054 |
385 |
2085(2083, QG Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO 2087) |
355 |
1033(1031, 1029) |
352 |
1055(1053, 1051, 1057, and QG 1059 Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO) |
385 |
2086(2084) |
355 |
1034(QG 1032 Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO, 1036) |
385 |
1057(1055, 1053, 1051, and QG 1059 Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO) |
385 |
2088(2090, 2092) |
355 |
1036(1034, QG 1032 Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO) |
385 |
Two Deck |
2090(2088, 2092) |
355 |
1037 |
385 |
2065 |
374 |
2092(2090, 2088) |
355 |
1038 |
378 |
2067 |
374 |
Sun Deck |
1039 |
385 |
2069 |
304 |
8183 |
317 |
1040 |
378 |
2071 |
304 |
Boat Deck(Promenade) |
1041 |
378 |
2072(2074) |
374 |
1042 |
385 |
2073 |
355 |
8201 |
286 |
1043 |
378 |
2074(2072) |
374 |
8202 |
286 |
1044 |
385 |
2075 |
355 |
8203 |
324 |
1045 |
385 |
2076(2078) |
304 |
8204 |
324 |
1046 |
385 |
2077 |
355 |
8205 |
264 |
1047 |
385 |
2078(2076) |
304 |
8206 |
264 |
1048 |
385 |
2079 |
355 |
8207 |
304 |
1049(1051) |
385 |
2080(2082) |
355 |
8208 |
304 |
Queens Grill, continually named one of the best restaurffffffffffffffants afloat by
critics worldwide, features assigned Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO-seating dining and its own
private Queens Grill Lounge, located Starboard on the Boat Deck, just steps
from the Queens Grill Dining Room.
Q4 SuitesPorthole Windows(Parenthetical Suites Connect) |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
1024(P1 1022) |
256 |
1064(1060, 1062, 1064, 1066) |
289 |
1069(10631065, 1067, 1069) |
269 |
1027(P1 1025) |
256 |
1065(1063(1065, 1067, 1069) |
289 |
1071 |
249 |
1060(1062, 1064, 1066) |
306 |
1066(1060, 1062, 1064, 1066) |
269 |
Two Deck |
1062(1060, 1062, 1064, 1066) |
289 |
1067(1063(1065, 1067, 1069) |
289 |
2066 |
296 |
1063(1065, 1067, 1069) |
306 |
1068 |
249 |
2068(QG Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO 2070) |
267 |
QS with Butler ServiceBoat Deck or Two Deck
No. |
QS Suites(No Verandas) |
Sq Ft |
2149 |
Aquitania2 Deck |
778 |
2151 |
Carinthia2 Deck |
670 |
8200 |
CaledoniaBoat Deck |
575 |

Boat Deck |
Queens Grill
Deluxe Q4249-306 Sq Ft |
Deluxe Q3264-385 Sq Ft |
Q2 Butler Service355-437 Sq Ft |
QS Butler Service575-778 Sq Ft |
Suites Q1 Butler ServiceSignal Deck Grand Suites544 Sq FtBi-Level Duplex Suites: 793 Sq Ft |
One Deck One Deck |
Two Deck Two Deck |
Square Footages |
Princess Grill |
P1 Suites: 221-264 Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
1001 |
233 |
1077(1075) |
249 |
2064 |
240 |
1008 |
239 |
1079 |
249 |
2091 |
244 |
1009 |
239 |
1088 |
232 |
2093 |
256 |
1016 |
256 |
1090 |
248 |
2095 |
264 |
1018 |
256 |
1091 |
232 |
2097 |
264 |
1019 |
256 |
1093 |
248 |
2098(2100) |
244 |
1020 |
256 |
2046 |
240 |
2099 |
221 |
1021 |
256 |
2047 |
240 |
2100(2098) |
256 |
1022(Q4 1024) |
256 |
2054 |
240 |
2101 |
241 |
1023 |
256 |
2055 |
240 |
2102(2104) |
264 |
1025 |
256 |
2056 |
240 |
2104(2102) |
264 |
1070 |
249 |
2057 |
240 |
2106 |
221 |
1072(1074) |
249 |
2058 |
240 |
2108 |
241 |
1073 |
249 |
2059 |
240 |
2109 |
234 |
1074(1072) |
249 |
2060 |
240 |
2111 |
234 |
1075(1077) |
249 |
2061 |
240 |
2116(C2 2114) |
234 |
1076 |
249 |
2062 |
240 |
2118 |
234 |
BedTwins Convert to Queen Bed and Vice Versa |
Square Footages |
Princess Grill |
P2 Suites: 146-260 Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
2040 |
240 |
3074 |
231 |
3095 |
239 |
2041 |
240 |
3075 |
231 |
3096 |
239 |
2042 |
240 |
3076 |
231 |
3097 |
241 |
2043 |
240 |
3077 |
231 |
3098 |
239 |
2044 |
240 |
3078 |
231 |
3099 |
241 |
2045 |
240 |
3079 |
231 |
3100 |
241 |
2117 |
146 |
3080 |
231 |
3102 |
241 |
2119 |
149 |
3081 |
231 |
3105 |
254 |
2124 |
246 |
3082 |
231 |
3107 |
241 |
2126 |
249 |
3083 |
231 |
3108 |
254 |
2153 |
246 |
3084 |
231 |
3109 |
239 |
2154 |
246 |
3085 |
231 |
3110 |
241 |
Three Deck |
3086 |
231 |
3111 |
239 |
3069 |
231 |
3087 |
260 |
3112 |
239 |
3071 |
231 |
3088 |
231 |
3113 |
241 |
3072 |
231 |
3090 |
260 |
3114 |
239 |
3073 |
231 |
3093 |
239 |
3115 |
241 |
Princess Grill, Double |
P3 239 Sq Ft |
Deluxe P2146-260 Sq Ft |
Deluxe P1 221-264 Sq Ft |
Princess Grill, Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO |
Deluxe PG Princess GrillOnly Two Suites!167 Sq FtTwo Deck 2113, 2120 |
Square Footages |
Princess Grill |
P3 Suites 239 Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
No. |
Sq Ft |
3121 |
239 |
3124 |
239 |
3123 |
239 |
3125 |
239 |
Staterooms 3123 and 3125 ConnectTo Allow Quad Occupancy |
3126 |
239 |
3128 |
239 |
Staterooms 3126 and 3128 ConnectTo Allow Quad Occupancy |
P3's Are Midship StateroomsOn Three Deck(Smooth Sailing) Princess Grill Accommodations Offer Princess and Britannia Grills for
intimate Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO-seating restaurffffffffffffffants. You may select the Princess Grill for more modern styling or the Britannia
Grill for a more traditional look in dining surroundings. The menus are the
The newer
Britannia is subtly elegant; the Princess has a touch of Vegas. Both boast
stunning views of the water.The Britannia and Princess grills share a galley, and their menus include
many Queen's Grill dishes and the same a la carte selections each day. All
Grill Class passengers have access to the Queen's Grill Lounge, a long,
quiet, panoramic expanse of ocean-view tables and a bar. |
* Room Has 3 Lower
Beds■ Twins Do Not Convert to Double |
∆ Shower Only→←
Connecting Rooms |
† Two lowers; one upper‡ Two lowers; two uppers> 2d Bed is Convertible Sofa |
Three Deck Three Deck |
Four Deck* Room Has
3 Lower Beds■ Twins Do Not Convert to Double† Two lowers; one
upper‡ Two lowers; two uppers> 2d Bed is Convertible Sofa v= Value/Red Room(noisy room)Four Deck |
Five Deck† Two lowers; one
upper‡ Two lowers; two uppers■ Twins Do Not
Convert to Double> 2d Bed is Convertible Sofa v= Value/Red Room(noisy room)Five Deck |
Services On BoardServices onboard QE2 include a florist, a nursery for
infants, a computer learning center, dance instructors, gentleman host
program for Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLO female travelers, and on World Cruise and during
religious festivals, clergy from major denominations. |
Grand LoungeThe Grand Lounge is a two-storey glittering showplace with state-of-the-art
sound and lighting systems, featuring gala entertainment in the evening. |
CasinoThe Casino has its own bar, as well as slot machines, roulette tables,
blackjack tables, and stud poker. |
TheatreThe theatre seats 530 for lectures, film and special events. Its audiovisual
facilities also accommodate meetings. |
Computer Learning CenterThe Computer Learning Center is equipped with the latest technology
including CD-ROM and offers instruction in business and personal software. |
QE2 Spa
The QE2 Spa is the finest of its kind and features
a Thalassotherapy pool, sauna, inhalation therapies, steam and massage
Spa PackagesChoose from three luxurious spa packages that can be purchased onboard QE2,
designed to promote the level or well-being you most desire. |
QE2 NurseryThe QE2 Nursery is a professionally staffed playroom for younger children
with toys, games, and videos. |
Sports CenterThe Sports Centre has open-air facilities for golf putting and driving,
paddle tennis, shuffle-board, and basketball. |
Club 2000Club 2000, for older children and teens, has the latest video games and
board games. |


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Luxury Cruise SINGLE-SOLOFull QE2 Passenger
Deck Plans |
Open 7 DaysA Week |